Monday, May 23, 2011

This is my favorite shot from the move from North Carolina to New York.

Mom & Dad and the girls

The girls actually handled the move way better than I had expected and they had a great time. They would sleep through much of the driving and then be up and ready to play when we stopped. They even did pretty well in the motel rooms and relaxed without much issue.

Zoe on the other hand was a druggy moron, which isn't too far from her usual state as stupid neurotic cat. Her antics almost got her left behind twice because she disappeared and we couldn't find her.

When we left Cary, it was around 80 degrees and the girls were well overdue to be shaved. However, when we got to New York it was in the 30's and 40's most days with some really cold winds. By the time it warmed up enough to get them shaved, overdue was an understatement.

This is Skye the day before she got shaved:

Skye before

...and this is her right after:

Skye after

The groomer couldn't believe she found a little puppy under all that hair. Shelby & Skye both feel great now and love going on walks. As this is a nice small town, there are lots of places to walk safely. There are also paths along the Salmon River.


The girls love to stomp around in the water before continuing on in our walk through town.

Pulaski is a small, quiet town at least most of the year until fishing season starts (but that will be a post for the fall). There is pretty much no crime and everyone has been great. We even have a town pet, her name is Bella.

Hi Bella!

No, this picture wasn't taken at the zoo, it was about 20 feet from where I park. Bella is the un-official town pet of the town of Pulaski. Some people love her, some hate her (usually because she has eaten something they planted). But Bella is so used to people its quite hard to spook her, even if you are trying to. She seems to think she's a dog and will often times wander down the street following someone who is walking a dog. I have come home numerous times to see her laying down across the street or eating grass in my neighbors yard. When I took this picture I was talking to her and she walked right up to the fence to check me out.

We are in a real house now, with a basement and multiple bedrooms and a fenced-in back yard. The landlord is great and has let us do alot of small things to improve the house. I repainted the dining room, I like the color much better than the washed out yellow it used to be.


Dad built a railing and gate on the back porch so the girls can run straight out to the back yard. I hit it with a couple coats of white and you would never think it was added later.. it completely looks like it belongs as part of the house.

My landlord also had the contractor install an outlet in the basement for my kiln, so I actually have a full studio down there that won't impede on any other rooms like in the old house.

Basement Clay Studio

Basement Clay Studio

All in all I'm very happy to be back up north. I will miss my friends in NC but this is where I am supposed to be right now and I'm happy everything has worked out so well thus far. I can't wait to see what's next.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

We've come a long way...

So, its a new year, new job, new home, new life. On March 20th Mom & Dad and the girls and I left Cary, NC headed for upstate New York. On April 2nd I found a house to rent in Pulaski, NY. I'm now a Technical Service Manager so instead of working in a management center supporting hundreds of customers, I'm working from home supporting 1 very large customer. I have adopted a new soldier through Soldier's Angels... its a girl! The girls have gotten bathed and shaved so they are no longer hairy beasts. I've already had a number of opportunities to do things with my family and its great. The weather is warming up slowly and hopefully the rain will stop soon.

Mom & I have pieces on display at the Salmon River Fine Arts Center in their spring community show and we are looking at many opportunities in the coming months. My clay studio in the basement is about finished so I can finally start working on that stuff again.

Quite a few boxes remain in the house but I'm working through them as I can. Here's to lots of new beginnings...

Saturday, February 5, 2011


So its 2011, and yea I'm a slacker. I never posted once in 2010 and *poof* its gone.

Alot happened in 2010... I didn't enter the state fair like I had intended because I had foot surgery and was out of commission for a while... that sucked but it was for the best.

I got to be home with my family for Easter & Thanksgiving and went to my brothers for his end of season breakfast for the 1st time ever. His syrup is the absolute best.. if you've never had the real thing.. you are so missing out.

I adopted a number of soldiers who I am proud to say are all now safely home. Once my life calms down, I will pick that up again.

Christmas in July at the VFW was a great experience and for a 1st time event, it went very well.

I'm no longer the MWAN guru now... that torch has been passed on.

Now I'm looking to the future and for a change... decisions have been made, plans have been put into motion. I know what I will do, its just a matter of figuring out the how. I already know the why.

Soon... I will be home.
