Saturday, November 8, 2008


You probably haven't heard of it but if you are creative or love getting mail... you need to know it. Its called Swapbot and its awesome. I know there has been some press, my mom recently sent me an article from the paper after I had told her about it.

Swapbot is a site for people from all over the world to engage in all types of creative projects and send them to each other. To name just a few, I've seen or been involved with swaps for: postcards, letters, magnets, handmade items, Christmas cards, surprise packages and much more. There are also plenty of things I've not made and have seen or only heard of called inches, whimsey jars, dotee dolls, altered everything you can think of and so much more.

Honestly I can't even remember how I ended up in Swapbot but I am so glad I did, it a great place to meet incredible people and find lots of inspiration. I have made and sent all kinds of things: notebooks, handmade magnets, lots of handmade ceramic/pottery pieces, cards, notes and much more... and in return I have received some awesome things: an incredible cross stitched piece pic here handmade magnets, wine corks, sea glass, shells, note pads, pens, all sorts of neat things from other countries lots of fun surprises. I learned what RAK meant, after I had done one and was thanked for it... and sent a message saying what?? RAK means Random Act of Kindness... which was I had done, sending someone just because I wanted to.. one was a thank you for something and another was a jsut because package... which I love sending... a random surprise package just because I wanted to and thought you needed a lift. I've been involved in flooding people with birthday cards, sending surprises to someone's daughter and jsut brightening someone's day.

Believe it or not there are even some guys on Swapbot now, and they are always looking for more to join their ranks. So, if you are just surfing the web aimlessly, maybe you should head on over and check it out, you might just love it :)

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